Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crafting... Interrupted

So, it's been a grand total of five days of our house being for sale, and it's killing me having to keep it clean... mainly the dining room aka my craft room.

Really, does anyone ever eat in a formal dining room?  Bah!

Sooo... since I typically take about a week to complete a project, I tend to leave my work in progress splayed out across the dining room table and the thread/fabric scraps on the floor until said masterpiece is completed.  With the potential that someone could want to come see the house at any given time... this creative process is not gonna happen.


So I'm saving up my crafting energy for this weekend, with the hopes that my dh will let me sew to my heart's content.  (Puhlllleeeaaasee, sugar wugar, benny boo boo?)  I've ordered some linen that I hope to turn into this little number from Cynthia Rowley.  I have really been wanting to sew something for me, so I hope I can manage my time to make this happen.

Until then, I'll just go stare at my fabric stash longingly...


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